During my time working at iMAX Games, a Brazilian indie company focused on education, entertainment, and interactivity, I worked as a Junior Programmer, developing interactive solutions, simulations, and games for a wide range of platforms, from desktop computers to tangible (touchscreen) tables, and mobile devices, using Unity engine. This section depicts each project, presenting some information about their features and high level technical details

Platform: Desktop Computer

Role: Programmer
Project: Timetracker
Engine: Unity 2D
Genre: Time Clock
Development Time: 4 months/2012
Game Type: Interactive Solution
Team size: 4 developers
Coded the client software (Unity application) using C#, collaborating with other co-workers and leads to find solutions and improve the system, making it reliable
Implemented the database with PhpMyAdmin and MySQL, using Triggers and Database procedures to optimize and automatize the data processing
Programmed the server utilizing PHP language for handling the interface calls and database calls
Designed and coded the web pages through which users could access and update their work data information (HTML/PHP)

My first project at the company, Timetracker is a time management system that supports an enterprise’s control of worker’s schedule. Its goal is to create an easy way for employees to register their work times as well as for employers/managers to handle and track this kind of information.
The software follows a client-server architecture: the client provides an interface allowing workers to register their daily work entries (when they arrive and leave the workspace),
showing how much time is left to finish their work plan and the average of hours that they must complete per day to reach their goals. The server is a platform that allows administrators to check the employees’ work entries and monthly work averages, to make adjustments to those registers and to support the calculation of the workers’ incomes. There is also a personal web page for each worker, where he/she is able to consult his/her monthly work entries, to update his/her time schedule, etc.

Platform: Tablet
Role: Programmer
Project: Desafio SEB
Engine: Unity 3D
Genre: Puzzle/Educational
Development Time: 4 months/2013
Game Type: Mobile, Singleplayer
Team size: 5 developers
Along with the help and orientation of the team lead, coded the whole game using C# - i.e., hang-man game logic and sinking ship dynamically responsive animation (changed according to how fast players were winning/losing)
Implemented local database system using SQLite for Android – allowing players to restart the application at the exact same point in case of any unexpected exceptions or crashes
Implemented the server side, and its database using PhpMyAdmin and MySQL
Created features such as saving detailed information of the players’ results for future data mining and openness to use different set of input data (questions)

Desafio SEB (SEB Challenge) is a project developed at Imax Games and Entertainment with the partnership of SEB, an education-related company. It is an educational mobile game used as part of admission exams, as its initiative to use electronic media to support learning.
The game is based on the traditional hang-man games, where the player has a certain number of chances to discover the right word. In Desafio SEB, each word is the answer to a question, presented as a text tip. These questions are divided in groups of subjects, allowing the student to select the sequence of subjects he/she wants. There’s also an alternative version of the game, just for fun, where players have to answer questions about common sense topics, like movies, music, etc.
Moreover, as the game works as an exam, there is a maximum time (global time) within which players need to finish it. On top of that, each word has a particular time to be discovered. In addition, guessing a wrong letter decreases the amount of time for the current word.
Desafio SEB shows the hanging concept in a ludic way: instead of hanging a man, players must deal with a pirate bunny in shipwreck. The bunny’s ship keeps sinking. Every wrong guess accelerates the sinking while every right guess makes the bunny goes up in the ship’s mast. If the time ends before players guess the entire word, the ship goes completely underwater and sea monsters attack the bunny in a cartoonish way, by. Otherwise, if players answer correctly, then the pirate’s parrot saves its captains bunny, flying away from the ship.
Platform: Tangible Surface

Role: Programmer
Project: Discovery Roulette
Engine: Unity 2D
Genre: Party/Puzzle
Development Time: 2 months/2013
Game Type: Multiplayer
Team size: 4 developers
Collaborating with other team members, coded the entire game and deployed it on site (Tangible Surface), so it could be used directly by the client
Implemented a responsive spinning wheel (roulette), which spun according to the magnitude of players’ turning movement
Incorporated sounds, particle effects and art assets, produced by other teammates, into the game, especially for clear feedback and communication

Requested by Criadores de Experiências enterprise (also known as C+E), under the supervision of Discovery Kids, this game aims to create a fast and dynamic experience for kids during C+E’s exhibitions in shopping malls and special events.
Discovery Roulette is a roulette-based, multiplayer game that runs in a Tangible Surface, a kind of table that has touch responsive surface. It displays a watch room, with its common elements (such as TV, sofa, etc.) covered by black overlay, so players cannot see them completely, only their silhouette. Also, there is a roulette around that environment, with the room’s elements distributed over it. The game starts when one player turns the roulette:
while it is spinning, the room elements are raffled; when it stops, the raffled element is highlighted in the watch room, indicating which element from the roulette players should move to the center of the screen, discovering it. Discovery Roulette is over when players discover all elements. After that, players can restart it. Every match is unique, as the raffling is completely random; hence, it is not possible to know which element will be the next highlighted one.

Platform: Tangible Surface
Role: Programmer
Project: Discovery Roulette
Engine: Unity 2D
Genre: Party/Puzzle
Development Time: 2 months/2013
Game Type: Multiplayer
Team size: 4 developers
Programmed all of the game’s systems, in collaboration with other teammate. Examples: flexible token generation system, habitat-element matching system, game main loop logic, etc.
Integrated sounds, particle effects and art assets, produced by other teammates, into the game
Integrated a plugin developed by other teammate, in order to establish the link between the Physical tokens and game’s virtual elements

Created at iMAX Games enterprise to explore the capabilities of its Tangible Surface, a multitouch responsive interface, Habitats is a game aimed for kids, challenging them to match an element (vehicle or animal) to its right habitat.
Each element is a small physical object (token) given to the players. When the game starts, it displays the silhouettes of all the elements at the screen’s center (dark covered layer). In addition, several environments are distributed around them.
Every time a player puts one of the physical tokens over the surface, the system recognizes it, spawning a field effect on screen, at the location of the token. If players place the physical element over its right habitat, then, the virtual one is revealed to them, otherwise, it gets covered by a wrong “X” symbol. The game ends when all the elements are put in their right places.
JACTO Uniport 3030 Simulator

Platform: Desktop, Tablet

Role: Programmer
Project: JACTO Uniport 3030 Simulator
Engine: Unity 3D
Genre: Tractor Training
Development Time: 9 months/2014
Game Type: Simulator
Team size: 6 developers
Implemented and put together half of the system’s interfaces, linking their functionalities to the actual simulation
Worked together with other teammate to incorporate an external technology (project) into the simulation, which represented the other half of the system’s interfaces
Programmed features such as dynamic mesh generation, dynamic curve rendering and scaling (using tangents and normal vectors), and ‘fake’ GPS tracking system
Created a driving system that closely simulated how a tractor behaved

Requested by the agriculture-related company Jacto, this is a simulation software for training professionals to drive the Uniport 3030, a spraying oriented tractor for high precision agriculture. This simulator focuses mainly on the tractor’s core controller computer, on top of the overall driving functionalities.
The software reproduces most of the Uniport 3030’s control system functionalities, including features such as autopilot, GPS and dynamic curves generation.
It also includes an external panel to control the vehicle, with its steering wheel and accelerator. The entire interface aims to create a good environment for learning the complexity the tractor’s system.
Implementing this project was very challenging, as it requested the use of several different technologies and mathematical methods (a lot of Calculus and Analytic Geometry), integrating various systems together to recreate a high quality representation of such intricate system.